Today marks a milestone for the food allergy community. The Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) is a "voluntary guidelines for managing food allergies in school and early care and education programs -school food allergy management for published the first comprehensive national guidelines. Food allergy research (rates) & guidelines developed in collaboration with CDC and other groups.
CDC guidance, practical information and to strengthen federal laws and regulations while using the schools to provide strategies for food allergic students ' physical and emotional health will seek to protect. These instructions are included in the school and early childhood programs and improving existing practices and reduce allergic reactions, reactions to life and improving the response to children with serious health problems, according to the law, to protect the current policy could be useful in verifying the implementation of the policy.
The following is a CDC guideline now can help spread the word.
Know the facts: more than 15% of children with food allergies responded from the school and the school environment, epinephrine administration participated in about 25% of individuals who were diagnosed prior to an allergy.Contact the leader in Earth schools: your school board, Superintendent, principal, or school health guidelines tell your friends from the Office in reaching out. If the school district the school food allergy management guidelines, CDC guidelines in place by considering the changes the next time you ask a school official offered.Tell a friend: and they shall do so by notifying their district or school leaders a new CDC guidelines could increase the awareness of and let other families know.
With your help we are safety and the inclusion of students with food allergies in school can continue. We are your support and community in the CDC guidelines and help to spread the word for thank you. For more information, see for CDC.
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